Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween and I'm posting early...

This Halloween was fun! First off, this afternoon we went to the pumpkin patch and Grayson just loved it so much. He wanted to pick up and eat all the pumpkins no matter how big they were. He's so funny this boy thinks he's Superman or super-strong anyway. I have to put up a pic of him trying to lift a pumpkin that's the size of his whole body. Then he went in the bouncy houses and played with two other little girls that were also in there. They had a blast my boy is such a flirt too, because he kept hugging them. ADORABLE! Then we went to Grandma Chit's house to meet up with our family. Cousin Madi was dressed as Minnie Mouse and Grayson dressed up as Manny Pacquiao. They were cute, most people just thought he was a boxer/fighter but, some people actually knew who he was dressed as. So it was very fun and tomorrow is going to be a long day because it's my BIL's wedding shower. This is the first time I'm posting before midnight!

Halloween and the Pumpkin Patch

We are so busy these days because my Brother in Law is getting married next month. We are helping out with their wedding shower decorations and time is so tight these days. Also yay for me I got a new job. I'm starting on Monday so the baby will be going to a sitter =( I'm really going to miss him while I'm at work because I'm so used to spending my days with him. He's really growing too fast. Everyone always says this and it's because it's true, "They grow so fast". Tomorrow we are going to take him to the Pumpkin Patch then go Trick or Treating around the neighborhood. He's going to dress up as Manny Pacqiuao, a Filipino Boxer. We ended up making his costume and found some boxing gloves for kids at the Swap Meet. I'm excited to show him off!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hello New Best Friend!

I bought a brand new Scotch ATG gun on Craigslist for $30- I'm in love with her I'm going to name her Bella. Beautiful Bella. I will post a picture of her later she's glorious!

I just want to say I have a love-hate relationship with Craigslist. First of all I hate how there are all these people on their just waiting to rip you off. I almost got scammed on a few months ago when I was selling my Sony Camera, by someone trying to send me a fake money order. #1 Rule for Craigslist always meet in person! I love though that you can get great deals and even stuff for free. I'm currently looking to find a Gocco, I'm very very satisfied with my Beautiful Bella! She's so pretty I'm thinking of giving her a new outfit like altering her somehow. I just got 12 rolls of tape on ebay too for $30 so I paid $60 but, if I would have bought the Scotch gun brand new it would've cost me $58 without any tape so I got a great deal. Now I can go buy some clothes at TJ Maxx to make up for the savings haha!

This is MINE all MINE!

So I finally did it, I started my own little blog. This is mostly for my personal use for me to look back on life whenever I want to remember anything plus now everyone has the chance to hear about my life, my awesome amazing life as a new Mommy. Let me talk about myself a little bit more because I know you can't get enough. First of all I'm a Mommy of a one year old adorable boy, I'm married to a great, fun, funny, caring and very understanding husband. I say that because I think I'm pretty high maintenance you know how us woman can be, but we're 100% worth it. On to more great things about me, I love to make cards, gifts, alter frames, scrapbook and cut stuff on my Cricut. Mostly this blog will be about my daily thoughts and to share some stuff about sales, I've been told by some friends that I should write a book about how to get things for really cheap or free!! So I will definitely write about that here too. I'm hoping I can write on here every other day so that I can have a personal outlet to divulge my feelings about anything and everything and it's all MINE. Not my husbands, not the baby's it's all for ME!! Yay!